The Farmacy Blog
Science behind Topicals by Kelly Rippel
cannabidiol cannabis CBD data hemp research science skincare topicals

Consumers can now find many products that contain cannabidiol (CBD) ranging from ingestible oil and gummies to salves, lotions and face creams. As we’ve discussed previously, it not only matters what products actually contain, but also what processes were used in their development and what types of claims are made about them. As the number of available products made with CBD continues to climb, we invite you to explore with us some of the evidence behind cannabinoids in a topical form. How Do Cannabinoids Work on the Skin? The amount of evidence-based data about the endocannabinoid system is both expansive...
Respecting CBD & Best Quality Practices by Kelly Rippel
CBD hemp Market Research product development quality assurance quality control

With the emerging yet still nascent hemp industry and growing demand for hemp products of all kinds, an abundance of over-priced CBD items on the market is preventing some struggling businesses from moving current inventory. Ironically, trends show that people are buying these types of products at an exponentially increasing rate. At the same time, ensuring quality and overall efficacy are critical components that are too often overlooked by consumers and partnering businesses. Let’s take a look at why patients and those utilizing cannabis-derived products need to be aware of the nuances within CBD product development, and how being educated...
What Do We Know About Covid-19 & CBD? by Kelly Rippel / Illustration by Meher Yeda

As the year 2020 comes to a close, the global pandemic of Covid-19 continues its devastating path. Each country has dealt with a myriad of issues and complications from already burned out medical staff to forced flexibility in social restrictions to testing protocol, and ongoing research to develop an effective vaccine. In the meantime, communities are experiencing multiple levels of trauma that will increasingly manifest over time. With the ongoing expansion of use and cannabis-related policies in states, countries and provinces, it is anticipated that utilization of these types of therapies will play an integral part as the world begins...
Perspectives on CBD Research - by Kelly Rippel
cannabidiol cannabis CBD data hemp research science

Ever since cannabis was analyzed with modern technology, there has been astronomical growth in the amount of published research data about the plant. The synthesis of cannabinoids and the discovery of our endocannabinoid systems have led to a new age of understanding anatomy and physiological functions of the body. What have also taken place are simultaneous exploitations not only of the plant’s benefits, but also questionable practices and motives to ultimately generate profit. We invite you to take a deeper look as we provide evidence-based information about data behind cannabinoid based products while also giving considerations to public health and...
Is Your Profession Ready for CBD? - by Kelly Rippel

In recent years, the numbers of articles and research publications about the plant constituent, cannabidiol (CBD) have skyrocketed. As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in public awareness and demand for these products, especially in various rehabilitation and medical settings. After the 2014 Farm Bill was enacted, which legalized the domestic cultivation of hemp for research purposes, the catalytic event which propelled the CBD industry forward was the 2018 Farm Bill. The enactment of this law effectively legalized CBD on a national level by confirming the removal of hemp from the definition of “marijauna.” While each state...